A Phone Is More Than a Phone

How Using an Answering Service Can Help Your Business Thrive

With all the calls that your company likely receives from clients and business contacts, you may have trouble responding to every call right away. If you need help with managing your call volume, an answering service can make life easier for you and your staff. The answering service can take calls when no one at your business can answer them, and using this service can help your business keep up with the fast-paced times.

Never Miss a Call

Any missed calls could be missed opportunities for your business. If no one is around to answer calls from customers who have questions or concerns, both your clientele and your company's profits could shrink. An answering service can keep your callers happy and allow everyone to speak to a real person. Even if your office is closed for the night, the weekend, or a holiday, a 24/7 answering service can still take calls so that no calls are missed.

More Questions Answered

Answering customer questions can be a time-consuming task, and a representative of an answering service will be able to respond to most basic inquiries so that you won't have to field as many questions. Many of your customers can get the answers they need without having to talk to someone from your company directly if you have an answering service to offer guidance.

Receive Important Information

People may try to call you to relay some important information, and a representative of an answering service can take messages that include all the pertinent details. If a caller tries to leave a recorded message to inform you of the important information, the message could get lost if you experience problems with your voicemail system. You may also be able to respond faster to any important messages if your answering service is able to get the information to you quickly.

Better for Your Business's Budget

If you use an answering service, you might not need to hire a receptionist. The fees for an answering service can be much less than what you'd have to pay a new permanent staff member. You won't have to worry about paying a receptionist a full-time salary along with health insurance benefits, sick leave and vacation time if you use an answering service instead. Even if you do need a receptionist at your business part of the time, you can possibly have them work less if you have an answering service that's available to take a lot of your calls.

Whether you run a small business or large company, a 24/7 answering service can be a great asset. You'll likely notice a big difference in your business's efficiency when you have an answering service to provide assistance. Click to find out more about your options.